About me

My name is James Riley. I am 13 years old and have been working with leather for 2 years.

It all stared with rocks. when I was 10 years old I went to the Marion mineral show. I met Rick Thomas a retired rock hound who invited me over to his house. so we visited his house. soon I was very interested in all the pretty rocks and machines to cut and polish them. he was also a leather crafter and soon I was cutting rocks and making little pouches for my work. I stared selling my rocks and pouches at local craft shows and farmers markets. after a while I stared to lean away from rocks and I stared to make wallets bracelets and other types of leather goods. I stared to grow my collection of tools and about a year ago I got into tooling leather. Now I make all types of leather goods from belts to bags. and I love the craft.